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a permanent bet
The best industrial solutions
As a result of a strong investment in technology, our equipment and auxiliary accessories allows us to have solutions to various types of injection technology and clamping forces.
Bring your products to life
The success of your brand also depends on the way you present the products to the consumer and, therefore, an attractive packaging gives you a strong competitive advantage over your competitors.

We offer different printing services, from high resolution to simpler and more functional printing.
Find the ideal solution for the decoration of your packaging, get to know here the advantages of each solution:
Print quality
Printing surface optimization
Production process optimization
Gains in packaging quality
Internal autonomy in the preparation process and tools for printing
Competitive costs in 1 and 2 color decorations
Decoration resistance to time wear
Digital printing
Optimal production for small and medium series
Total cost reduction
Premium print quality
Time to market reduction
  • IML
    Print quality
    Printing surface optimization
    Production process optimization
    Gains in packaging quality
  • Serigraphy
    Internal autonomy in the preparation process and tools for printing
    Competitive costs in 1 and 2 color decorations
    Decoration resistance to time wear
  • Digital printing
    Optimal production for small and medium series
    Total cost reduction
    Premium print quality
    Time to market reduction
In-Mould Labelling (IML).
IML allows you to decorate a packaging with any type of graphics, in high resolution, with premium photographic quality.

In the IML process the decoration of the product takes place inside the mold itself, during the injection. Through a robotic device attached to the injection machine, a special polypropylene label is inserted into the mold itself and during the injection process the injected polymer merges with the label. The end result is a piece decorated with an impeccable finish and an impressive color definition.

Serigraphy is a printing service in which the ink is poured through a prepared screen.

This printing can be done on various types of materials, in various thicknesses or sizes, with different types of inks or colors.

Although it is nowadays a less used technology, there are benefits arising from its use.

Digital Printing.
With Digital Printing you have the flexibility to decorate your packaging with photographic quality, without any quantity or quality limits.

Just one file, no preparation costs.